With a light dusting of snow surely in our near future there is no better time to talk about how you can keep you and your passengers safe while behind the wheel of your vehicle. Many hardened New Englanders consider themselves experts in driving in the winter months, but even the biggest experts among us might be making some very common winter driving mistakes. If you can take some steps to avoid these mistakes you will be taking the steps you need to avoid getting into a New Haven auto accident and either causing personal injury or property damage along the way.
Before discussing the common mistakes you might make, it’s important to have an understanding of when it is OK to drive and when it is not OK to drive. It is a good bet, if the state of Connecticut has closed offices or your local school district has cancelled school for the kids that the driving conditions may not be conducive to being safe while on the roads. You can find out this information online or by watching a local newscast like WTNH which will have this information regularly available during any winter weather event. If you see businesses and organizations postponing or cancelling events in your area you may want to hunker down at home and avoid driving all together.
Winter weather conditions, especially in our area can vary dramatically from one day to the next. You know the old saying in New England, “if you don’t like the weather, just wait five minutes.” This is even more true in the winter when snow squalls can sneak up on you fast and put you in a very difficult and unsafe driving condition quickly. You could go from driving on dry roads to having patches of ice dot your commute which could put you at risk of getting into an accident. If you have any doubt about the conditions that you might be driving on you should skip your trip all together and wait until the conditions improve. No destination is worth risking significant injury and/or property damage.
Now on to some of the common mistakes that people make when they are driving in winter weather conditions. If you understand these mistakes it will go a long way in helping you to avoid getting into an accident.
1.) Not increasing following distance. It is a good idea to follow the vehicle in front of you by at least three car lengths when the weather conditions are favorable, but when the weather gets bad, you will want to increase the distance you are following vehicles by. While you don’t have to leave football fields worth of distance between you and the vehicle in front of you, you may want to increase your following distance to four or five car lengths so you have plenty of space to stop in the event that the driver in front of you must come to a stop quickly. This will allow you to come to a stop more gradually, minimizing the risk of hitting a patch of ice which could lead to danger.
2.) Not clearing the snow or ice from your vehicle. Not only is it against the law and could lead to you getting a fine of up to $1000 in the state of Connecticut, not clearing your vehicle can be extremely dangerous to you and the cars around you. If you are driving and the snow or ice melts a little bit and slides off the roof of your car and on to the windshield you may not be able to see the road in front of you clearly and you could be in danger. Also, if you are driving along and a large piece of snow or ice flies off your car and hits another car it could cause significant damage to the vehicle and put the other driver at risk. If this were to happen you may be held liable for any property damage or injuries that may occur.
3.) Using cruise control. If you’re anything like me cruise control is your life line while you’re driving long distances, but if the roads are slick it can put you at a great risk. Cruise control is designed for roads that are dry and when the surfaces get slippery it can cause you to lose control of your vehicle. If there is any snow or ice or even wetness on the road you are driving on you should avoid using cruise control. If you are too tired to maintain a safe driving speed, you should pull off the side of the road and rest your eyes and get out and stretch safely before you continue on your way.
These are just a few of the common mistakes that drivers make when they are driving in winter weather conditions. If you do everything you can to avoid these mistakes you will be taking the steps necessary to avoid getting into a New Haven auto accident and putting yourself and your passengers at risk of getting hurt or causing significant property damage. Winter weather can make driving a little more treacherous, but with just a few extra steps you can make the necessary changes to your behavior that will keep you safe throughout the winter driving season.
In the event that you are involved in a winter related crash you may need to speak with an experienced attorney who can review your situation and work with you to protect your long-term interests. Contact our office and one of our attorneys can speak with you and share their experiences with you.