Elderly Man Killed In Auto Accident Is A Sad Reminder To Keep Your Driving Skills Sharp
September 8, 2021
Photo credit Fox61
Late last week and elderly man, age 81, rear-ended a vehicle in slowing down traffic on I-91 which resulted in a four car pile up and the gentleman’s untimely death. The crash led to the other driver being injured as well. This type of accident is a good reminder that as you age you should continue to work to keep your skills behind the wheel sharp because even a split second can make all the difference in whether you are injured or worse.
When thinking about ways to avoid a New Haven auto accident as you age it is important to remember that you are not alone in the diminished skills that you may have behind the wheel. As all adults age they begin to see declines in response times, eye sight loss, and lack of focus, all things that can lead to difficult circumstances while out driving.
If you or a loved one are of advanced age and are still driving here are some things to consider before you get behind the wheel.
- Get an annual eye exam. Vision impairment is something that sneaks up on you as you get older and it can be very dangerous when you are behind the wheel.
- Drive more slowly. Sure there is a tired old trope about elderly drivers, but this one should be true. If you are aging and your response times are slowing, so too should you speeds when behind the wheel.
- Limit distractions. Eating and drinking behind the wheel should never happen and certainly phones should be stowed at all times to avoid any distractions that could take your eyes off the road.
- Depending on your deteriorating conditions it may be a good idea to actually give up your license and find someone who can drive you. It may not be ideal, but it could save your life.
When driving through the Elm City and along Connecticut’s highways you need to be alert, have great eyesight and not be distracted in order to avoid a New Haven auto accident. If you start to see any signs of these issue arise, it may be time to stop driving and start taking the bus or hoping into an Uber.
It’s never easy to give up driving, but it could save your life. If you have been injured in an accident and you need an experienced attorney to represent your interests to the insurance companies, don’t hesitate to call our office. We will assist you in protecting your long-term interests.