Take These Steps If You Are Being Charged With A Crime

October 11th, 2024

If you find yourself in a situation where you may be in need of a New Haven criminal defense attorney you may be in a difficult spot, but you don’t have to be. While being charged with a crime may be a scary proposition you will want to keep a cool head and work through the process so, if you didn’t commit the crime, you can get to the bottom of the circumstances and clear your name. The key component to being successful at this is to stay calm. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your situation you will have a lot of things you will need to do in order to make sure you are staying with the guidance of the law and also making sure you are taking the steps necessary to have the best possible outcome for your situation. If you go against the steps you should be Read the full article…

Avoid Blind Spots To Avoid A New Haven Auto Accident

October 9th, 2024

When you set out behind the wheel of a car you are most likely expecting that your vision will be pretty good. Unless the visibility from weather related conditions hinders your ability to see the road in front of you, you should have a pretty clear sight. However, many vehicles have blind spots that if you don’t navigate them well you may find yourself having a hard time to see which could lead to a New Haven auto accident and potential injuries and property damage. Often when we think about blind spots affecting our ability to drive safely we are considering them in terms of large trucks that are occupying our roads. These trucks do have significant blind spots and those who drive these commercial vehicles need to be cognizant of the blind spots that do exist. However, did you know that all vehicles have blind spots? While it is Read the full article…

How To Avoid A New Haven Dog Bite Injury When Interacting With A Stray Dog

October 7th, 2024

There is something magnetic about seeing a stray dog that many people, at least dog people, want to approach the dog and help it find its way, but this can bring with it some pitfalls. If you’re interacting with a stray dog you may be putting yourself at risk of experiencing a New Haven dog bite injury which could become serious and cause you long-term health issues. It is for this reason that if you’re planning on interacting with a stray dog you should keep some general safety tips in mind so you don’t get hurt or cause any harm to the dog as well. Before you think about interacting with the stray dog you may consider contacting the authorities to approach the animal instead of you approaching it. This is because animal control officers are trained to interact with dogs who may be lost or not aware of their Read the full article…

What You Should Do When Road Rage Leads To A New Haven Auto Accident

October 3rd, 2024

If you’ve ever been driving down the road and minding your own business only to be cut off by another car who you can see is yelling at you and speeding ahead, you have experienced road rage. Road rage can be a scary thing when you experience it, especially if it comes up unexpectedly and you’re not anticipating it. People who have experienced road rage are more likely to be involved in a New Haven auto accident and when that happens, if you’re the victim of the road rage you will want to make sure you take every step you can to insure you are safe and free from any further fallout from the experience. First, it’s important to understand what can cause road rage. The truth of the matter is that road rage is likely the end of the story, not the beginning of it. Most people do not Read the full article…

With The Holidays Coming, Beware Of These Slip And Fall Hazards When Shopping

October 1st, 2024

There are two types of people in this world, those that begin their holiday shopping in August (you’re already running late) and those who wait until the last minute. Whichever type of person you are, you will be beginning your holiday shopping shortly or maybe you already have. Either way, when you make a plan to head to the mall or your favorite store to do your holiday shopping you will want to be on the lookout for a New Haven slip and fall hazard that could slow your shopping down. If you wind up getting injured as the result of a fall at the mall or store you could be in for a long recovery and if that happens your timeline for holiday shopping, not to mention your day to day life, could be halted. If you’re starting your holiday shopping now you will likely be avoiding one of Read the full article…

Should You Change Motorcycle Tires For The Changing Seasons To Avoid A New Haven Motorcycle Accident

September 30th, 2024

Ask a motorcycle rider if they feel the need to change their tires as the seasons change and you may get differing answers. Everyone has a different opinion on this because unlike the daily use of car tires, winter motorcycle tires, for instance, are not always necessary if you’re not planning to ride in extreme winter weather conditions. Would changing out your tires make a difference and reduce the incidents of a New Haven motorcycle accident if you’re planning on riding in extreme weather conditions? The short answer is, yes, the longer answer is you should consult your owner’s manual for your particular model of bike. Whether or not you are going to change your motorcycle tires for the different seasons is an important question. You can start by determining how long you plan to ride your motorcycle. If you’re a Spring/Summer rider only, you can likely get away with Read the full article…