Five Common Causes Of Auto Accidents

August 21, 2024
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As much as we would like to be able to, completely eliminating the risk of getting into a New Haven auto accident is not possible. However, if you are educated about the common causes of these types of accidents you will be better equipped to reduce your risk. Whether you’re on the road frequently or just once in a while, keeping some of the causes in mind will help you navigate your commute to and from your destination safely.

There are many things you can do to protect yourself in the event that you do get into an accident like keeping up on your regular maintenance of your car, wearing a seat belt and keeping an eye on the weather forecast. All of these things can go a long way in protecting you from the dangers of getting into an accident. Of course, they cannot prevent you from getting into an accident, that comes from understanding the risks that driving a car presents and taking the steps you need to avoid these risks.

Here is a list of some of the most common reasons for getting into a car accident and how to avoid them.

1.) Distracted driving. This is the cause of an accident that you probably hear the most about these days. Distractions come in all forms like your phone, which is a big one, but also eating while you’re driving, playing with the radio and even talking to a person who is in the passenger seat can all be extremely dangerous distractions while you’re driving. To avoid these distractions it is best to stow your cell phone away until you come to a complete stop and if you are riding with a passenger, politely ask them to skip the intense discussions until you come to a complete stop as well.

2.) Speeding. Excessive speed has been shown by multiple studies to be a factor in the severity of accidents. Driving just 5 MPH over the speed limit can turn your fender bender into a full on serious accident with serious injuries and property damage. The best thing you can do to prevent this from happening is to always follow the posted speed limits and make sure you are driving safely, in the appropriate lane when riding on the highway.

3.) Drunk or drugged driving. If you are under the influence of a substance such as alcohol, marijuana or other controlled substance you will want to avoid getting behind the wheel of a car. It is not safe to drive while intoxicated and it is also against the law. The easiest way to avoid being involved in an accident caused by drunk or drugged driving is to designate a driver or use a ride share service when you’re intending to drink or do drugs.

4.) Poor weather conditions. As we are getting into the fall months of the year and pretty soon winter weather conditions can start to get dangerous for driving. Whether you’re passing over a wet pile of leaves that have fallen or trying to see around a built up snow bank, weather can put you in a situation where you are at grave risk. The best thing to do to prevent this cause of an accident is to check the weather forecast before you go and make sure you are prepared for whatever types of weather are being predicted.

5.) Inexperienced drivers. While you cannot control who you are sharing the road with you can try to avoid drivers who have just recently received their drivers license. Be sure to avoid driving at the time that the local schools start or end for each day as these inexperienced drivers will likely be on the road on their way to class. Also, for your own safety, make sure anyone in your family that is an inexperienced driver has the proper training to be a good driver right out of the gate.

There are so many things that can lead to a New Haven auto accident and you won’t be able to avoid them all, but you can know about them and have an understanding of how you might avoid putting yourself or your passengers in a situation that could lead to one of these causes. If you take some precautionary steps you will be going a long way to keeping yourself safe and not having to deal with the headache and injury that often accompanies accidents.

If an accident were to occur and you were injured you may need to seek the experience of an attorney who has worked on situations like yours before. Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will review your situation and work with you to protect your long-term interests.