Make These Suggestions To Help Your Older Family Members Avoid A New Haven Slip And Fall

September 23, 2020
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The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has made some recommendations to help older Americans avoid traumatic brain injuries (TBI) from a slip and fall accident.  While many of our older family members are isolated from visitors to protect themselves from COVID-19 we can still make these suggestions to them to protect themselves around the house.

Utilizing these recommendations from the CDC our older family members can stay safe and live long, healthy lives without the worry of an injury.  You can suggest the following to them:

While none of these are fail safe methods to keep your older loved ones safe in their home, they will certainly help them avoid a New Haven slip and fall injury.  There are also some services available that will do in-home assessments for your loved ones that will allow them to have a worry free lifestyle and still get the changes needed made to their home to prevent this type of injury.

If your loved one slipped and fell and sustained an injury, our attorneys can review your case.  Contact our office and an attorney will get back to you shortly.