New Haven Personal Injury: Staying Safe At The Ball Field This Spring

April 23, 2019
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Spring is here and that means New Haven families will be at the ball field evenings and weekends. Whether it is softball or baseball, the risk of New Haven personal injury is present. Here are a few ways you can keep yourself and your family safe:

  1. Heads Up! Stray and foul balls are a part of the game. They can cause injuries if fans and on-lookers are not paying attention. Always stay alert and beware of your surroundings when at the field.
  1. Beware Fido! As the weather gets warmer, dog owners like to bring Fido outdoors for some fresh air. You will see lots of family dogs at the ball field and should be mindful of dogs you do not know. 
  1. Watch Your Step! For the most part baseball and softball fields are outdoors, where surfaces are uneven. Be mindful of your step. Falls can cause serious and lasting injuries.

The New Haven personal injury lawyers at The LoRicco Law Firm wish everyone a safe and healthy season!