The Dos and Don’ts Of Driving In The Snow
January 20, 2025Today marks the first significant snowfall that the area has gotten this year and while many roads will be less busy due to the national holiday, it is still an important time to think about how driving in snow can lead to a New Haven auto accident or not, if you follow some important tips. These days we get so few significant snowfalls that it can be hard to remember all of the right and wrong things you may be doing when driving in the snow, so a friendly reminder before you hit the road today is in order.

We’ve compiled a list of dos and don’ts for you so that if you do need to go out on the roads today or any day when it is snowing and the weather conditions are less then ideal, you will be equipped with all the things you should and shouldn’t do while you’re behind the wheel.
First, the DOs.
Do Slow Down. This may seem like an obvious one, but you may not be surprised by the number of people who are flying up and down I95 and I91 as if the road were dry. When there are any kind of weather conditions on the road you are going to want to slow down.
Do Increase Your Following Distance. This can be an important tool in your tool belt to avoid getting into an accident. If you give the car in front of you a good amount of distance, when the person driving it comes to a stop, you will have plenty of time to do so as well without getting into an accident.
Do Be Cautious On Bridges And Overpasses. The first part of the road to freeze is a bridge or an overpass. As you approach one of these you will want to start to slow down and take your time crossing them so you can avoid hitting an ice patch or two.
Now, for the Don’ts.
Don’t Make Any Sudden Movements. The worst thing you can do when driving in snow is to make sudden movements because that will put your car in a situation where the snow may knock you off track and you could lose control of the car.
Don’t Use Cruise Control. One of the most convenient things in your car is cruise control, especially if you’re on a long trip, but using this tool when you’re driving on snowy and icy roads takes the control out of your hands and may put you at risk.
Don’t Ignore Warnings. Especially when driving on back roads or in remote areas there may be signs that warn you against driving down a particular road during certain weather conditions. Heed these warnings. It may be inconvenient to detour your trip, but it could also be a deadly choice to ignore these warnings and forget your own path.
We don’t get as much snow as we used to, that’s pretty commonly accepted these days, so when we do there are a lot of people who may forget the important basics of what to do and what not to do when driving in these weather conditions. This friendly reminder of the Dos and Don’ts of driving in these weather conditions will hopefully go a long way in helping you avoid getting into a New Haven auto accident and getting injured as the result of difficult weather conditions.
Even if weather wasn’t a factor in an accident that you were involved in you may still need the assistance of an experienced attorney. Contact our office and one of our attorneys will review your situation and work with you to protect your long-term interests.