Tried Dry January But Didn’t Like It? Here’s How To Avoid Needing A New Haven DUI Defense Attorney If You’re Drinking Again

January 14, 2025
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Dry January sounds like a great idea at the beginning of the month but once you get back into the post-holiday stress of life, it often doesn’t last long. There is no shame in having done Dry January for a few days or even weeks and then feeling like you need a drink every once in a while. If that’s the case for you, you will just want to make sure that your first or second drink or any drink thereafter doesn’t turn into a situation where you are in need of a New Haven DUI Defense attorney.

It may sound cliche to say, but the truth is the only way you can absolutely avoid getting in trouble for driving while under the influence (DUI) is to avoid drinking and getting behind the wheel all together. Not only will this keep you free from getting into a DUI situation it is also the safest thing you can do. If you are not going to stick to Dry January, you will want to at least commit to not getting behind the wheel of a car if you are going to consume alcohol. This should be standard operating procedure for you during any month of the year.

Once thing that happens sometimes when you participate in things like Dry January is that your body’s normal resistance to the effects of alcohol may change, even after a short period of not drinking. You may find the first drink that you have after having not had a drink for a while will have a much greater impact on you then you might have otherwise thought. You might start “feeling it” after one or two drinks and this is normal. You just need to recognize this in yourself and make sure that you account for it as you’re thinking about how much you might have to drink on any given night.

If you do decide to go out and drink there are some things you should to make sure you are not only keeping yourself and others you are sharing the road with safe, but these steps will also keep you out of trouble.

Step #1: Plan Your Transportation. Whether you’re thinking about having one drink or ten drinks during a night out you will want to make sure you have figured out your transportation for the night. How will you get to and from your destination? The best and most reliable way to do this in 2025 is to use a ride share service like Uber. If you take an Uber to and from your destination you can spend your night not counting drinks and enjoying yourself without worrying about how you’re going to get home safely. Just make sure you have enough money at the end of the night to get home so you can pay your driver for the service of allowing you to enjoy your night.

Step #2: Limit your intake. Even if you only participated in Dry January for a few days or even the first couple of weeks your tolerance for alcohol may have altered and you will need to adjust accordingly. Your first night out or even your first couple of nights out you may want to take it slow and avoid going too hard in on the alcohol. Listen to your body and what it tells you about how you’re feeling and whether or not you can continue to consume alcohol for the evening. Alcohol impairs decision making and if you drink too much you may make the wrong choice that could lead to deadly consequences.

Step #3: Stay hydrated. Don’t forget that for every one drink of alcohol you have you should have an 8 oz. glass of water. Not only will this allow you to have a few more drinks then you otherwise might have already been planning on, but it will help stave off the effects of the alcohol to some extent. Even if you are alternating alcohol with non-alcohol you will still feel the effects of the alcohol so you should remain aware of what your body is telling you about your limits and pay close attention to it. Hydrating is important, but it will not prevent you from feeling the negative effects of alcohol.

Dry January is a noble cause to set out on. It is something that many people complete all the way to the end of the month, but there is no shame in starting the month dry and then deciding you’d like to have a few drinks with friends as the month drags on. You will just want to make sure if you do decide to drink again in the month of January that you do safely and in a way that will make sure you don’t need a New Haven DUI Defense attorney, because that would be the worst way to start off the new year with some serious trouble.

If you do find yourself in some hot water due to your drinking and driving you may need to speak with one of our experienced attorneys. Contact our office and one of our attorneys will speak with you about how your long-term interests might be protected.