A Potentially Rainy Summer Ahead Could Mean More New Haven Motorcycle Accidents

May 16, 2022
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Scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have gone on record and predicted that this summer will be one of the hottest and wettest summers on record for New England.  If you love the heat, you will love this summer, but if you ride motorcycles, it could raise a few red flags for you with all the expected rainfall.  While you’re not guaranteed to get into a New Haven motorcycle accident when it rains, the wet roads certainly don’t help.

Not only will the rain make riding difficult, the unpredictability of the weather will be one of the things that motorcycle riders will have to overcome as well.  As anyone who has ever lived in New England knows, if you don’t like the weather you can just wait five minutes and it is likely to change.  Summer is notorious for pop-up thundershowers that may or may not have predicted and torrential rains often accompany these uncertain forecasts.

All is not lost of course, there are some things you can do to make sure you are safe when you head out on the road this summer;

1.) Always check the weather before you leave.  Trust us, even if it is bright and sunny when you hop on your bike, the weather could change in the blink of an eye and you could be caught in a storm that really isn’t safe to drive in.  While not all pop-up summer storms are caught by the weather forecast, some are, and you’re better safe then sorry if you check the forecast before heading out.

2.) Make sure your tires are properly inflated.  Properly inflated tires are one of the best things you can have if you are trying to be as safe as possible on your motorcycle.  While you can not protect yourself entirely from slippery roads, if your tires are properly inflated you will be giving yourself the best chance to stay safe when driving in the rain.

3.) Avoid large puddles and the sides of the road.  Large puddles can look like no problem, but often when you’re riding through one it is possible that you will get stuck and it will cause serious problems for your ability to make it safely to your destination.  Also, roads are graded to push the water away to the side of the roads so you should avoid this part of the road all together.  Stay as close to the center as possible and you will remain safe.

Weather patterns are unpredictable, so there is a chance that these scientists are not accurate and the weather pattern will be spectacular this summer, but whether or not you are experiencing good or bad weather, it’s always important to keep safety in mind when thinking about how to avoid a New Haven motorcycle accident.

If you are injured in an accident, you may want to speak with an attorney who has dealt with cases like yours in the past.  Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will speak with you and then work with you on how to best protect your long-term interests.