Avoid a New Haven Personal Injury: Dog Bite Prevention Tips For Summer

May 28, 2019
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It’s no secret that even the friendliest of dogs can sometimes attack causing personal injury. With 70 million dogs living in households across the country, $4.5 million Americans suffer dog bites each year. An Oklahoma woman was recently mauled to death by her neighbor’s dogs.

In the state of Connecticut, the dog bite law is strict liability. This means that when the dog you care for harms another, you are responsible for the injuries. There are very few exceptions.

Dogs show their stress in their behavior by licking their lips, pulling back ears, whites of the eyes showing. growling/barking, turning their head/body away, stiff body and resisting following their owner’s commands.

Here are a few tips to stay safe around dogs:

If you or a family member suffered a dog bite, you may need a New Haven personal injury lawyer. Contact our firm immediately.