Driving In Rain To Help You Avoid A New Haven Auto Accident
May 6, 2024It’s been quite a wet spring here in the Elm City. With rain seemingly coming down in buckets every other day there is a lot of standing water and wet roads that can cause difficult conditions that often lead to New Haven auto accidents. Some drivers think that driving in the rain is safer then driving in snow during the winter months and there may be some truth to that, but that doesn’t mean that trying to pass along wet roads presents no risks, in fact there are quite a few risks that come from driving on wet roads.
Risks that come with driving on wet roads include low visibility and hydroplaning to name a couple. If you are not careful these two hazards in particular can lead to dangerous situations that could put you at risk of getting injured or at a minimum causing property damage. While there is nothing you can do to completely prevent getting into an accident as the result of wet roads there are some steps you can take to make sure that the impact of the weather is not as significant.
Before you hit the road you should also make sure you check all of your vehicles equipment to make sure you are putting yourself in the best possible situation to stay safe. If your windshield wipers need to be replaced, your tires need pressure or your headlights are not working properly you could be putting yourself in a situation where you are at greater risk. Taking the time to look at these things before you head out in the spring is important because it is quite likely that you will be spending some time driving on wet roads during the season.
Once you’ve made the necessary adjustments to your car, you are ready to hit the road. There are some things you can do while you’re driving that will help to keep you safe. If you follow these few steps you won’t be guaranteed to remain safe, but you will be putting yourself at significantly less risk then if you don’t follow these steps.
Step #1: Slow down. We are always in favor of you slowing down, but this is especially important when you are driving on wet roads. Your speed may lead to hydroplaning and this could lead to you losing control of your vehicle. Speeding is one of the deadliest things you can do when you’re behind the wheel of a vehicle and when you add wet roads to that you are placing yourself at grave risk of getting into an accident.
Step #2: Increase your following distance. There is a variety of opinions on what a safe following distance is when you’re driving on dry roads. Generally it is recommended that you leave 3 car lengths between you and the car in front of you. This distance should increase if you are following a larger vehicle that may not be able to stop as quickly as other vehicles. Add in wet roads and the following distance you are using should increase. Take whatever the distance you are comfortable with when the roads are dry and add another two car lengths to that when the roads are wet.
Step #3: Turn on your headlights. Visibility can be really challenging when driving on wet roads. Whether the rain is still falling and the visibility is low or the car/truck in front of you is kicking up a lot of mist making it more difficult for you to see the road in front of you, you may have some trouble seeing the road around you. Keeping your headlights on will allow others who are facing similar road conditions to see you more clearly and keep the space and distance that is needed between you and them when passing or following.
Step #4: Drive smoothly. What this means to you may be different then what it means to others, but if you accomplish smooth driving well when the roads are wet you will be reducing your risk of getting into an accident. Driving smoothly includes both acceleration and deceleration. When you are speeding up you should not step on the gas pedal as hard as you can, you should ease into your speed. When you are slowing down, you should avoid slamming on your brakes as that is a good way to take your car and make it out of control.
Driving on wet roads is something that can present significant dangers to you if you’re not careful. If you prepare your vehicle ahead of time and then follow some simple driving steps you will be going a long way towards reducing your risks of getting into a New Haven auto accident and keeping yourself and your loved ones safe while you’re driving. Of course, no steps you take will guarantee you will not get into an accident, but they will help you reduce your risks.
In the unfortunate event that an injury were to occur, you may need to speak with an attorney who can review your situation and work to protect your long-term interests. Contact our office and one of our attorneys will speak with you about the particulars of your situation and discuss next steps.