Fatal Injuries Involving Roadside Assistance Skyrocket

October 14, 2021
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It is a good service to have and many auto manufacturers offer it with the purchase of a new car.  You can also purchase roadside assistance from services like AAA.  Did you know that those who provide this service to us are at a significantly higher risk of dying from a New Haven auto accident then any other profession?

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that a whopping 43 out of every 100,000 workers are killed in accidents when assisting someone on the side of the road.  When compared with other industries which average 3 deaths per 100,000 workers, roadside assistance workers are far and away the deadliest profession anyone can have.

The state of Connecticut, along with ALL 49 other states have a Move Over law which requires drivers to slow down and switch lanes when approaching a vehicle which is in distress and is being aided by emergency services personnel.  While this is good and acts as a protector for those that are aiding broken down vehicles on the side of the road, many drivers are unaware of the laws.  In fact, a full quarter of those surveyed did not realize that their state had a Move Over law on the books.

You can help protect tow truck drivers and other emergency personnel by doing a few things:

  1. Follow the Move Over law and slow down when approaching a stranded vehicle and get into the lane next to yours
  2. Remind your fellow drivers that this is the law and they should follow it so they don’t endanger the lives of first responders
  3. Encourage all of the drivers in your family to follow this law and move over if approaching a stranded vehicle

Tow truck drivers and those that are performing tasks of roadside assistance are at a greater risk of being involved in a New Haven auto accident. You can do your part by following the laws and encouraging your fellow drivers to do the same.  We can all save the lives of those who are working everyday to protect our lives and help us when we breakdown on the side of the road.

If you’ve been injured or a loved one has been injured as the result of an accident with a tow truck you may need an attorney to review your case.  Contact our office and one of our attorneys will work with you to protect your long-term interests.