Know The Facts About New Haven Bike Accidents
July 18, 2018All month long, the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) in partnership with Connecticut Children’s Injury Prevention Center are running a campaign to educate the public on safety measures we can all take to avoid New Haven bike accidents and New Haven pedestrian accidents. There are some simple statistics that can help you and your loved ones better understand how, why, and when these accidents happen.
Here are the facts:
- 67% of all bike accidents happen between May and September
- 74% of all bike accidents happen during the week
- Bike accidents typically happen between 2p-4p on weekdays and 11a-4p on weekends
While these statistics are alarming, the good news is that this knowledge can be power for you when you’re riding your bike or driving and being aware of other pedestrians and cyclists. It is especially important during these hours to make sure that you are keeping an eye out for children who are often less aware then grown-ups.