Navigate The Upcoming Long Weekend By Avoiding Driving Under The Influence

June 30, 2022
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Summer’s are made for outdoor fun, backyard bbqs, pool parties, and beach outings, but with those activities comes a whole host of other considerations you should have to help you navigate the enjoyment without the danger.  New Haven auto accidents are much less likely to occur when you are not driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and therefore your summer weekends can be greatly improved by take a few sensible steps to keep yourself safe this summer.

As we approach the long, extended, 4th of July weekend it is even more important to keep in mind that getting together with friends and family does not mean you need to get behind the wheel while intoxicated.  There are some simple steps you can take to help avoid getting into trouble with the law or worse, getting into an accident that can cause injuries and even death.  Taking these steps will help you avoid danger and have a great long weekend.

1.) Throw out your old rules of drinking.  You may hear people say, I’ve spaced my drinks out throughout the course of the day so I am fine to drive.  This may be true when you’re in a climate controlled environment, but if you are out on the beach or poolside, combining alcohol and sun exposure can cause your body to react in uncertain ways.  If you are planning on drinking and “spreading out your drinks” over the course of the day, you should still consider avoiding getting behind the wheel as you don’t know how your body may react to alcohol and sun exposure.

2.) Designate a driver.  Take the guess work out of whether or not you’re feeling like you can drive.  Before you head out to a cookout or a beach party, identify someone who can skip the alcohol all together and be the person who gets everyone home safely.  This can be a critical component to being safe and also having a good time.  It’s a three day weekend so spread out the designated driver duties and ask each person in your party to take one day/night.

3.) Add Uber to your phone before you go.  If you don’t have anyone in your party who is willing to abstain from drinking for the night, toss the ride sharing app Uber on your phone before you go out so you can make sure you have a safe way to get home.  If you try to set it up on your phone when you’ve already had too many drinks you may get yourself frustrated and choose to just drive home, even though there is no way you should get behind the wheel.  Set it up before you go and you’ll be golden.

Driving under the influence of any controlled substance like alcohol or marijuana can be dangerous and can lead to a New Haven auto accident.  If you are planning to take advantage of a little time off from work and enjoy your weekend with a cocktail or a smoke, you may want to plan ahead so you can avoid any issues with driving under the influence.

From all of us to you and your family, we hope you have a safe and happy 4th of July weekend!  Remember, in the event that you need us we’re just a phone call away.