New Haven Auto Accidents & Connecticut Teen Driving Laws

June 21, 2019
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Encouraging news out of the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles regarding teenage driver safety reports less fatal New Haven auto accidents among the state’s teens. Connecticut adopted the motor vehicle laws in 2004that restrict 16 and 17 year old drivers. Since then, there have been some dramatic improvements in teenage New Haven auto accident injuries:

Additional levels of training are included where parents are required to attend a two-hour training class with their teen. The same news cites a Travelers Insurance Survey that teenage drivers are influenced by their parents’ driving habits. It also cites distracted driving as an ongoing issue with younger inexperienced drivers.

While these statistics are very encouraging and positive, the reality is accidents with teen drivers still happen.  If you or a loved one have been injured in an car accident involving a teen driver you may need a New Haven auto accident attorney to help you file a claim.  We have been helping the injured in New Haven and the Connecticut shoreline for nearly 60 years.