New Haven Auto Accidents in Parking Lots
September 4, 2017It is no surprise that a large number of New Haven auto accidents occur inside a parking lot. In fact, 14% of all car crashes that cause damage, happen in a parking lot. Here are a few ways to stay safe while maneuvering your way through:
- Stay alert. Always watch for other cars and people speeding and walking. Avoid two-way lanes where possible.
- Be polite. Do not take up 2 spots when you only need one.
- Protect your car. Park away from buildings and not on the ends of rows. Stay in a well-lit area at night.
- Eyes open. Make sure you can scan the entire field before backing out.
- Extra aware at the post office. The post office parking lot has a the highest frequency of accidents.
If you or your loved one was injured in a parking lot, contact the LoRicco Law Firm immediately. Our team of experienced New Haven auto accident attorneys has been protecting the interests of New Haven and the Shoreline for nearly 60 years.