New Haven Pedestrian Accidents: How To Safely Navigate The Streets
May 13, 2020After a crazy early spring, things will hopefully return to some resemblance of normalcy soon. That means we’re seeing people out walking everywhere. If pedestrians are careless, the uptick in foot traffic can lead to New Haven pedestrian accidents.
To safely navigate the streets of New Haven on foot by:
- Stick to sidewalks and crosswalks. If you’re in a rush, it can be tempting to scoot around others by stepping off into the street or veering from the crosswalks. Don’t do this. Drivers expect you to be using the sidewalks and crosswalks, so they may not be keeping as close of an eye out for you in areas where these exist.
- Out at night, wear white. Well, you don’t necessarily have to wear white, but do dress in such a way that drivers can see you when it is dark and gloomy outside. A brightly colored umbrella, a reflective vest or even light-colored clothing can help you be more visible.
- Watch the drivers. Make eye contact before you step in front of a vehicle. Don’t assume they see you. Also, watch for blinkers that indicate they plan to turn into your path: Even if you have the right of way, make sure they see you crossing and stop instead of making that turn.
- Double check driveways and exits. Sometimes drivers forget to slow down as they leave parking garages, delivery entrances and the like. They are focused on checking the oncoming traffic, but don’t realize pedestrians may be crossing their paths. If you come upon a driveway or vehicle exit, give it a second look to make sure no one is coming.
Most often, common sense will help to prevent pedestrian accidents. But it never hurts to slow down for a minute and take a look around. This makes you even more aware of your surroundings and will help keep you safe as you take to the streets of New Haven.
If you or a loved one have been involved in a New Haven pedestrian accident, contact the LoRicco Law Firm for a consultation.