Set Ground Rules Early To Help Teens Avoid A New Haven Auto Accident
November 9, 2020There is good news to report as it relates to teen deaths from auto accidents, that number is down significantly. This is something to be celebrated. However, there are reasons for concern as fatalities from auto accidents overall are on the rise. Teen drivers can be heavily influenced by their parents and therefore we should be setting good ground rules to help our kids avoid a New Haven auto accident.
According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) there are some things that parents can preemptively do to make sure their teens are safe drivers. Some may be common sense, but others may slip through the cracks. They are all good reminders of how to keep our kids safe on the roads.
- Start early. While teen deaths from an auto accident are down, they remain the leading cause of death among people 15-18 years of age. Conversations with your teens, even before they are behind the wheel about safe driving habits can be critical to their understanding of what it means to be a safe, responsible driver.
- Clearly identify the rules. Are cell phone allowed? Is there a curfew? Can they listen to music, or eat when they drive? Rules will be different in every household, but make sure that your teen is completely aware of and following all of the rules.
- Create a contract. A driving contract can help make the rules even clearer for your teen and it will also ensure that you are both on the same page.
- Demonstrate safe behaviors. If a teen sees you practicing safe driving, they will pick up on that and it will become normal, expected behavior for them.
Your kids will get behind the wheel of a car at some point in their lives, the question is, will they be ready to drive safely and avoid a New Haven auto accident. With some of these tips from the NHTSA they should be prepared and so should you.
If you or a your loved one gets into an auto accident, contact our office to review your case.