Some Tips From The USPS On Keeping Your Dogs From Committing A New Haven Dog Bite
June 5, 2023It is a trope as old as time, the United States Postal worker coming to the door and being barked at or bitten by an otherwise friendly dog. You’ve probably seen this played out on TV, in the movies and even on commercials that portray this happening frequently. Unfortunately this is not just something for Hollywood to get a good laugh out of because dog bite injuries happen to postal workers all of the time. In fact, the United States Postal Service (USPS) reported that last year alone there were more than 5,300 of their employees attacked by dogs that seemed like friendly animals at first. This is a staggering number and it is important that as a dog owner you are aware that this can happen and how to prevent it.
To keep your animal from getting into a situation where she/he commits a New Haven dog bite and injures a mail carrier or other passerby you will want to be aware of some of the tips that the USPS is rolling out during National Dog Bite Awareness Week. Since the USPS has extensive experience with this type of behavior from these animals they seem like a good source to go to for prevention measures. Here are some of the things that the government agency is recommending to keep your pet free from getting into trouble and hurting someone along the way.
1.) Keep your dog leashed. This is true when you’re taking her/him out for a walk, but also if you’re allowing your animal to be out in the yard unsupervised. Even if your yard is fenced in you will want to keep the dog on a leash so that if guests come into the yard they are protected and can steer clear of the animal that may be in protective mode, especially if the visitor to your yard is a stranger.
2.) If you don’t feel comfortable keeping your pet on a leash in the yard, you may want to bring her/him inside the house or put them behind a fence around the time that you are expecting your mail carrier or any other company. This will allow the animal to remain free, but also protect any visitors from unwanted approach from the animal. This is always a good practice if you cannot be out with the dog in the yard to supervise her/him.
3.) No matter how friendly your dog may seem, make sure she/he is not allowed to approach a stranger who is entering the yard. Even if the stranger is calling the animal you can politely ask her/him to stop calling the dog because you want to protect them and the dog as well. Friendly dogs can become startled or agitated quite quickly and the situation can turn from a friendly encounter to a dangerous one in seconds. It is best to make sure your animal is not put in an unfamiliar situation in the first place and can keep calm without being approached by a stranger, no matter how friendly the situation may seem at first.
There is no way to 100% avoid a New Haven dog bite injury to someone who is entering your yard of your home, but you can put your dog in a position where she/he is comfortable and away from any temptation to become agitated or aggressive. If you take these steps described above you will be keeping your animal and any human that she/he may encounter out of harms way and all interactions will be as safe as possible.
If your dog is involved in an incident or you are involved with someone else’s dog you may need to speak with an experienced attorney who can review your situation. Contact our office as our attorneys have extensive experience with all types of dog bite related situations and can work with you to better understand your individual experience and protect your long-term interests.