This Coyote Reminds Us That New Haven Auto Accidents Can Happen With Wildlife

May 4, 2021
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The video above was shared with WTNH and shows, what appears to be a coyote running down I-95 at full speed. Thankfully there was limited traffic on the road, but this could have happened during rush hour and had devastating impacts for both the animal and the drivers on the road. It is a good reminder to us all that while New Haven is a big city, there is still wildlife living among us and interactions with these animals has the possibility to create a situation where a New Haven auto accident is possible.

What should you do if you see a coyote or any other animal either roaming or racing down one of our streets. The first thing you should NOT do is film it and send it to a news station, that is dangerous and presents a whole other level of problems. With that being said, there are some things you can do to help protect yourself and the animal which include;

It is rare that animals are racing down I-95, but it is not unheard of and if you’re not paying attention you may be faced with a New Haven auto accident that could be very severe. If you’re traveling on the roads throughout the Elm City you should also be very careful. Even though you would likely be traveling at lower speeds, damage or injury can occur after a collision with an animal.

There are times when animals and humans come in contact with each other and staying alert behind the wheel will make sure that when it is on the road it is a safe interaction for both the human and the animal involved. If there was an accident involving an animal and you were injured you may need to speak to an attorney to review your case. Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will help look out for your long-term interests.