Three Facts About Drowsy Driving That You Should Know

August 8, 2021
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Have you ever been driving down the road and felt your head bob because you fell asleep quickly behind the wheel?  This is drowsing driving at it’s core and it can be very dangerous.  However, you don’t have to actually be dosing off to sleep in order to be considered a driver who is drowsy.  Connecticut auto accidents often occur when drivers push themselves to drive, even when feeling fatigued.

With the stress of the pandemic and economic worries of many, this past year and a half has seen drowsy driving on the rise.  The fact is that drowsy driving leads to accidents that can be more dangerous and deadlier then those that are true accidents.  Here are some important numbers that you should know BEFORE you think about getting behind the wheel having not gotten enough sleep.

These statistics are staggering and are proof that driving while drowsy is as serious of a problem as things like distracted driving and driving while under the influence of alcohol or other illicit drugs.  It is clear that if you were to get enough sleep before you got behind the wheel you would be putting yourself in a position to be less likely to get injured in a Connecticut auto accident.

When you are behind the wheel or in the car with someone who is drowsy you should either pull over or encourage them to pull over.  Finding a safe place to get some rest or spend the night is a better alternative then getting behind the wheel and falling asleep.

If you or a loved one were injured in an accident that involved drowsy driving contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will review your case.