Three New Provisions In Connecticut’s Vision Zero Law

August 25, 2021
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The State of Connecticut recently passed legislation to tackle the issue of pedestrian fatalities throughout the state.  Last year there was a sharp increase in New Haven pedestrian accidents and accidents throughout the state that resulted in the death of the pedestrian.  It is with this in mind that the State Legislature passed the Vision Zero Law that was signed by Governor Lamont.  The goal of the new legislation is to get the number of pedestrian accidents in the state down to zero.

There are a number of new provisions in the law that are designed to protect pedestrians and bicyclists while they are out enjoying our city.  These provisions include the following;

The law also makes the practice of “dooring” illegal.  This provision is designed to make the roads safer for cyclists.  Dooring is when a driver or passenger in a car open her/his door into traffic or the sidewalk and it impedes the driving lane of a cyclist.  This can be incredibly dangerous for a cyclist and can cause serious injury and in extreme cases death.

One other provision that we already covered here includes the new way you can utilize crosswalks to ensure your safety while out walking through the Elm City.

With this new law in effect, state lawmakers are hoping that the number of New Haven pedestrian accidents will decline and remain low, in fact the goal of the law is to get the number of fatalities to zero and keep it there.

As you are out and about enjoying the rest of our summer and autumn months, keep this new law in mind and if you are injured you may want to speak with an attorney.  One of our experienced attorneys can review your case and work with you to help protect your long-term interests.