Three Reminders For Your Teen Driver On Spring Break
March 26, 2024In the next few weeks, schools will let out for spring break and there will be a lot more activity on the roads as teens, especially those who have just gotten their licenses will be headed out on to the road. It is well-documented that teen drivers, due mainly to inexperience, are often the most susceptible to getting into a New Haven auto accident.

As a parent, you may want to wrap them up in bubble wrap and never allow them to get behind the wheel of a vehicle, but let’s be honest, that’s not quite a realistic solution to your fears of them driving. What is realistic is to be open and honest with them about the dangers that driving presents and help them with reminders on how to keep themselves and their passengers safe.
Before you or your teen gets behind the wheel you should understand the laws that govern teen driving in the state of Connecticut. You can get a very detailed breakdown of the laws that govern teen drivers here. This is a good starting point to make sure your teen is aware of the limitations that the law places on them before they even think about driving. Once you both have a firm grasp on the restrictions that are in the law, then you can go about discussing how your teen can stay safe in the time that they are allowed to be driving.
It is important to have conversations around staying safe behind the wheel of a car with your teen before spring break comes up. Your teen will likely have already made plans for a great spring break well in advance of the first day away from school so you will want to make sure that while they are making their plans they have a clear understanding of how they can keep themselves and their friends safe while they are driving.
Here are a few reminders for your teen driver to remember before and while they are driving.
1.) Distractions should be avoided at all costs. The best thing you can do here as a parent is to model good behavior by not using your phone while you’re driving and allowing the passengers in the vehicle to spend time changing the radio or adjusting the navigation. Once you’ve modeled good behavior then you should also have a conversation with your teen about being distracted behind the wheel. Teens are the most inexperienced drivers on the road and even the smallest distraction can be quite dangerous. You should encourage your teen to avoid phone use, eating while driving and limit the number of passengers that she/he is allowed to have in the vehicle while driving.
2.) Substance use can be deadly when driving. While teens are not of legal age to drink or do drugs, many do and that is a reality that parents need to be wide-eyed to. Even if you’re not sure if your child is drinking or doing drugs, you should have the conversation with them about driving while under the influence of either substance. Substance use while driving can be dangerous for all who are in the car and it can also be something that causes them extreme issues if they are caught by the police who may take away their car or their license and could put a black mark on their record for many years to come. While it is against the law for teens to be drinking or doing drugs it is important that if they are partaking in these types of substances they are doing so safely and not increasing their risk by getting behind the wheel of a car.
3.) Seat belts need to be worn at all times. While seat belt use is at an all-time high in all age groups, it is important to remind your teen that this is a non-negotiable about driving a vehicle. They should always be buckled up and should never drive when one of their passengers is not buckled up. It is good to remind them that if a passenger gives them a hard time about them requiring her/him to buckle up that they can tell their passenger that they are the driver, it is their responsibility to make sure everyone gets to and from their destination safely and without seat belts that may not happen. If the passenger refuses, you should give your teen the freedom to tell that person to get out of their car and find a different way to their destination.
There are so many things to think about when you are the parent of a teenager, reducing the risk of a New Haven auto accident should be at the top of your list. While you cannot prevent all accidents, you can make sure your teen has all the tools and knowledge that she/he needs to make sure they are driving their vehicle safely. If you’re following all of the state laws and your teen is equipped with the reminders above you can rest easily knowing that you’ve done everything you can to make sure she/he is safe while out driving.
Unfortunately accidents do happen and sometimes that means injuries. If your teen is injured in an accident, contact our office and we will work on protecting your child’s long-term interests. Our experienced team of attorneys has seen many situations and some that, in all likelihood, mirror the one you are facing.