Use These Tips To Avoid A New Haven Bicycle Accident In The Winter
January 25, 2023It hasn’t been much of a winter so far with very limited snow and ice in the Elm City, but we haven’t seen February yet, so who knows where the weather conditions will be when we get to the end of winter. If you’re a cyclist you need to be prepared for whatever New England has in store for you in the coming weeks and months. If you aren’t prepared and ready to ride in the winter, but still head out, you may be asking to get into a New Haven bicycle accident that could lead to an injury that could sideline you during the really great cycling seasons of spring and fall.
Let’s admit that in order to want to head out and ride your bicycle in the winter months here in New England you have to be pretty hardcore. Hats off to you if you’re interested in making that chilly trek into the winter snow. Before you go, just make sure you are geared up properly so you can stay warm and the cold weather doesn’t distract you. A face mask to protect your skin, proper winter cycling gloves and clothing will do wonders for your ability to stay focused and ride your bike safely when you are warm and paying direct attention to the road ahead.
Now on to your journey on the road, even when it is snowing and icy out there. Taking the following steps will allow you to enjoy a brisk bike ride in the winter months without the fear of getting injured.
1.) Lower your seat. While this might not be ideal in the spring and summer riding season, during the winter months there may be a greater need for you to put your foot down to protect yourself against slipping and sliding.
2.) If your bike is equipped with headlights and tail lights you should leave them on whenever you’re riding, even during the day. The winter months are gray and often darker then the spring and summer months so you will want to make sure you are taking every precaution so that you are seen while out riding.
3.) Do not hit your brakes or do any pedaling when you are riding over icy spots.
4.) Let some air out of your tires, even past the recommended tire pressure from the manufacturer so you can get a better grip on the icy roads ahead.
Spending some time thinking about how you’re going to ride to keep yourself safe on the roads when there is ice or snow and the conditions are cold and dark during the winter will serve you well and help keep you from getting into a New Haven bicycle accident. The joy of cycling year round is something that not a lot of people experience, but if you are brave enough to weather the conditions you will have an exhilarating experience and be able to be safe year round.
If you wind up getting injured you may need to speak with an attorney who has experience with the type of situations you find yourself in. Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will speak with you and work on your behalf to protect your long-term interests.